Go green with a hemp rug from Scattermats

Hemp is an amazing crop – it provides food, medicine, clothing and shelter, and the most important part of the plant is its fiber. This fiber is commonly called *bast* - this means a plant that grows on a stalk. As a principle plant fiber hemp has been used for thousands of years. China has had a hemp trade for 6,000 years and today is the world’s largest manufacturer of hemp textiles, there are other countries in the world that make hemp textures but to a much lesser extent. This type of textile industry has all but disappeared from the western world, but industrial hemp has gained a lot of respect around the world for its health and environmental benefits. A lot of companies use hemp to make more Eco-friendly products. There are quite a few benefits to using hemp –
  • Hemp fibres are more resistant to mould and are more durable which is why they make great hemp rugs
  • Hemp rugs and clothing that is organic doesn’t contain all those nasty residual chemicals that can impact on our health
  • A fabric that is at least 50% hemp can block the sun’s harmful UV rays better than other fabrics can
  • Growing hemp has very little impact on the environment
Hemp textiles themselves are very versatile, apart from the hemp used in the hemp rugs sold by Scattermats. Hemp can be used in the manufacturing of clothing, rugs, upholstery, canvas and shoes. Any item you can make from cotton can be made from hemp; its long fibers give strength to create a hemp rug from Scattermats that is stronger than a rug made from cotton. Why choosing hemp rugs from Scattermats is good for the environment.
  • Hemp grows quickly and vigorously and can grow in any climate
  • Hemp crops use the same amount of space as cotton crops but produces a lot more fiber
  • Hemp stops weeds from growing – due to the fast canopy growth of hemp it blocks sunlight and prevents weeds from growing.