For a new look try round rugs

If you are thinking of redecorating your home, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or go to a, lot of work to change the look. You need to simply spend some time getting an idea of the look you want to achieve – this makes the process a whole lot easier and can save you from making some costly mistakes. If it is your flooring you want to change and your carpet is really badly damaged and needs replacing then there are alternatives to carpet. Replacing carpet can be expensive, time consuming and messy, but if the carpet is okay you just don’t really like the look, colour or texture you can consider covering your floor with round rugs available from Scattermats. Scattermats has a wide range of round rugs in different styles and colours – in sea-grass, shaggy, Persian and jute . Round rugs can be a more economical choice than replacing carpet, they can be used in any room, and they are more easily replaced if they get damaged, you can change the look to match the season or you can move them from room to room. Round rugs can also add some interest to the room by adding colour or texture. If you like bold colours you can add a splash of colour to the room without having the whole floor that colour which can be too overwhelming. Depending on where you live in winter you might like to have a nice thick and warm round shaggy rug from Scattermats and in summer a lighter sea-grass or natural fiber rug. By using different size round rugs or different shape rugs to decorate your home you can define the different areas in your home, bright round rugs in a relaxed room – living room or family room and a rectangular rug in a more formal lounge or dining room. If you want to achieve a calm and soothing feel try pale colours and sisal or cotton rugs, they not only look good, they are light to pick up and move when cleaning. Experiment and have fun!